Sunday, June 19, 2011

English Test Store (

Hi Guys,

This is a very cool site if you are interested in learning some of the basics in the English grammar.  Just click the topic you want to learn from the site and it will bring you to a page where you can test your skills.  It is in flash format so it is very interactive.  After clicking the right answer, the page will give you the answer immediately and a little explanation of why the answer was.  You can also download the test page that you want and save it to your on drive for archiving and reviewing purposes.

So if you are ready, start clicking this link: EnglishTestStore.

Once you click the EnglishTestStore, you will be directed to the main page which is similar to the picture below.

This is The English Test Store Site

Look for the Main English Categories Heading.Under that heading is the Basic English Grammar Tests sub heading.  Below it (Basic English Grammar Tests), you can choose the topic you want to be tested with. 

Main English Categories

For instance, if you want to be tested on adjectives, click the adjectives word (link) and you will be directed to the adjectives site.

Adjectives Test Site

Below that site, you will find several links for the English Adjectives Tests, choose one and click it.  For instance, click English Grammar - Adjectives Test 001 and start taking the test.

English Adjectives Tests

Once you click the first link (English Grammar - Adjectives Test 001), you will be again directed to this site (see picture below).

English Adjectives Test 001

You will be directed to the English Adjectives Test 001 and will be shown a sample question.  Now, if you are ready, please click the start button and you will be on the go to checking your skills using this great site.

I hope this site is useful to you as it was for me.



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