Sunday, June 19, 2011

English Pronunciation Using Google Translate and

Hi Guys,

Pronunciation is as important as grammar, right? yes of course!

Why is it important to pronounce things properly.  Here are my personal reasons... of course, you can add your experiences, depending on the exposure you have been with the English speakers.

1. The listener needs to here you correctly.  Some of us, depending on the country that we have been with, may come from a soft or thick way of speaking things.  As a result of this, the way they (we) speak the English language tends to be similar to it.  This also include the stresses of words, especially, if it's a three or more syllabic type of word.

2. You need to convey the right message (coming from the right pronounced words). You may not agree on me with this, but sometimes, when you mispronounced something, you may convey a wrong signal such as being sarcastic, rude or soft.

3. You may look uneducated. I know this word is strong, but we don't want you to start you on the wrong foot when you're trying to create your first impression.  (But remember this, if you can't, it doesn't matter, because this maybe your second language or you are just learning this and they need to respect you for that. Also, it would not harm and will serve as an additional point to your favor, if you know how to use this skill.. would you agree? :) ).

What is my solution?

I have been using two sites in assisting me with the right pronunciation.  These sites are the following:

1. ( - if you wan't to find out the right meaning, pronunciation, thesaurus (similar words), flashcards (for studying), quotes, encyclopedia, translator and Spanish.

2. Google Translate ( - if you wan't to translate one language to another language. This is cool!, because you can type the words and hear how the words are being pronounce in a complete sentence.  This will also provide you an alternative sentence, if the program found a possible mistake in what you have typed.

Here they are:

For The

If you click this, , it will bring you to the site.  The site will look like this (see picture below). Website

Start entering the word on the search button.  For instance, type pronunciation (step 1) and click search.  This will bring you to the searched site (see picture below).  When the searched result is shown, scroll down and look for the word with a corresponding sound icon and click it (step 2) to hear the right pronunciation. with Search Word

For Google Translate:

Firstly, you have to click Google Translate Website (  Then you will be brought to this page.  Be sure to choose English (see picture below).

Google Translate Site

Write the sentence in the box provided (step 1) and then click the sound icon to here how the words are said (step 2). The other translation can also be seen and heard (see picture below).   

Google Translate with Sentence

Conclusion:  There are many tools on the net that can help you pronounce properly.  Of course, there is no substitute for an English teacher, if you can find one.  But if you can't, or you are in a hurry or can't afford to pay for school, well, then you can go to these sites and use the available tools for free.  :)



English Test Store (

Hi Guys,

This is a very cool site if you are interested in learning some of the basics in the English grammar.  Just click the topic you want to learn from the site and it will bring you to a page where you can test your skills.  It is in flash format so it is very interactive.  After clicking the right answer, the page will give you the answer immediately and a little explanation of why the answer was.  You can also download the test page that you want and save it to your on drive for archiving and reviewing purposes.

So if you are ready, start clicking this link: EnglishTestStore.

Once you click the EnglishTestStore, you will be directed to the main page which is similar to the picture below.

This is The English Test Store Site

Look for the Main English Categories Heading.Under that heading is the Basic English Grammar Tests sub heading.  Below it (Basic English Grammar Tests), you can choose the topic you want to be tested with. 

Main English Categories

For instance, if you want to be tested on adjectives, click the adjectives word (link) and you will be directed to the adjectives site.

Adjectives Test Site

Below that site, you will find several links for the English Adjectives Tests, choose one and click it.  For instance, click English Grammar - Adjectives Test 001 and start taking the test.

English Adjectives Tests

Once you click the first link (English Grammar - Adjectives Test 001), you will be again directed to this site (see picture below).

English Adjectives Test 001

You will be directed to the English Adjectives Test 001 and will be shown a sample question.  Now, if you are ready, please click the start button and you will be on the go to checking your skills using this great site.

I hope this site is useful to you as it was for me.



Welcome To English and Other Self Improvement Blogsite

Hi Guys!

Hello and how are you all!  Thanks for visiting this site!

So what's the purpose of this blog site? Well, This blog site is the collection of all the sites that I have been to and evaluated in relation to my self improvement.  The topics will be varied, but initially will cover English and the likes.

I am not a Native English Speaker and know that I have some glitches when it comes to composing and speaking the language, but the attitude of improving one self is my main criteria in creating this site.

I hope this can help you also in some ways and together, let us journey the road to polishing are new found skills.

Always remember, "The best cut diamonds are not mined, they are crafted" --> author: yours truly! :)

Thanks and regards,


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